Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
Original Article
Medical-surgical and sociodemographic aspects in
patients with gastroschisis in a Third Level Hospital
in Mexico during the period 2018-2022.
Guillermo Yanowsky-Reyes
, Elvia Ximena
, Zacnicté Viridiana
, Denisse Estefanía Alfaro-Castellanos , Franklin Daniel Norori-
Escobar, Arely Jaqueline Pérez Padilla , Laura Olivia Montaño-Ángeles , Nidia
Raquel Álvarez-Rosales, Carlos Oswaldo Yanowsky-González .
Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde/ Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica.
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Facultad de Medicina, Campus Doctor Carlos Alfredo
Zambada Sentíes. Culiacán, Sinaloa, México
Universidad de Guadalajara. Facultad de medicina, Centro Universitario de Tonalá.
Tonalá, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author: Guillermo Yanowsky-Reyes, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Fray
Antonio Alcalde/ Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica, Calle Hospital 278, Colonia El Retiro, C.P.
44280, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. E-mail: gyanowsk[email protected]. 0000-0003-2891-
Sent: 09/25/2023 Accepted: 12/12/2023 Published: 05/13/2024
Abstract: Introduction: Gastroschisis is a birth defect in which a hole in the abdominal wall (Belly)
lateral to the umbilicus allows the infant's intestines to be exposed, in addition to other organs such
as the stomach and liver. Objective: To obtain information on the medical-surgical approach to this
congenital anomaly, identify aspects of probable risk in the demographic areas where the pregnant
women reside, pathological and non-pathological personal history of the patients' mothers, newborns
diagnosed with gastroschisis attended from January 2018 to January 2022 and drug addictions used
in the perinatal period of the pregnant women. Method: descriptive, retrospective, retrospective,
cross-sectional, observational, epidemiological cohort study. An analysis of the clinical records of the
Antiguo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde of patients with a diagnosis of gastroschisis
attended in January 2018 to January 2022 was performed. The data were collected in Microsoft Excel
and SPSS 22 software. They were subsequently interpreted and analyzed by means of measures of
central tendency and association. Results: A sample size of 48 patients was analyzed revealing that
the prevalence of gastroschisis in the Antiguo Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde from 2018 to 2022
was 0.0089%. In addition, 83% success rate was observed in the treatment of patients with
gastroschisis in pediatric surgery, with higher prevalence in male neonates (M=55.3%, F=22%), among
others. A positive association was found with gastroschisis and exposure to environmental pollutants
(OR=1.67), teenage mothers (OR=2) and ORH+ blood group (OR=1.29). The risks by demographic area
according to their exposure and locality, 50% exposure to insecticides and 17% to polluting industries.
The diagnosis of this malformation was made in 47% in the second trimester, 28% in the first trimester
and 23% in the third trimester. Within the personal pathological and non-pathological history of the
parents, no pathology of importance was identified. Surgical management was 59.2% with deferred
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
closure and 40% with primary closure, medical management was for 100% of the patients and 16 of
them required mechanical ventilation. Conclusion: According to the results obtained, the main
positive relationship for presenting gastroschisis was the presence of a teenage mother and exposure
to environmental pollutants in the studied sample.
Key words: gastroschisis, medical-surgical approach, risk factors, gestation, complications,
demographics, teenage mother.
1. Introduction
According to the Center for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) definition,
gastroschisis is a birth defect in which a hole
in the abdominal (belly) wall lateral to the
navel allows the baby's intestines to remain
exposed outside the abdominal cavity
potentially containing other organs such as
the stomach and liver
. The word
Gastroschisis comes from the Greek word
"gastroschisis" (gastro means belly and
schisis means fissure, opening or
separation), coined by Taruffi in 1894
2, 3
Gastroschisis within developed countries in
North America is reported with an
incidence of 3-4.5 cases per 10,000 live
births, according to the European
Congenital Anomalies Surveillance Network
(EUROCAT), the reported incidence is 2.63
cases per 10,000 live births
There are no exact data on the incidence of
gastroschisis in Mexico, however, according
to data published by a third level hospital
the incidence varies from 1.6 to 4.6 patients
per 10,000 live births with an economic and
social impact within families with patients
affected by this pathology, most of them
being families with vulnerability factors
such as low social status (poverty), drug
addictions in the mother, drugs, maternal
age below 20 years, low schooling, short
inter-gestational period and infectious
processes during pregnancy
Gastroschisis is also associated with other
conditions that require a multidisciplinary
approach by health professionals, with up to
10-20% of newborns presenting conditions
such as intestinal atresia of 10-30%,
musculoskeletal defects, cardiac, renal,
nervous system, and other conditions
8, 9
The pathogenesis of gastroschisis occurs
during the normal development of the
abdominal wall and formation of the
intestine, which herniates through the
midline during the first stage of gestational
formation, the intestine returns to the
abdominal cavity during the 10-12 week,
producing intestinal rotation outside the
body and later fixation after its return to the
abdominal cavity, and closure of the
abdominal wall where the folding of the
cranial, caudal and 2 lateral embryonic folds
occurs. To date there is no described cause,
however, there are several theories about
the cause of this pathology among which are
mentioned: Abnormal folding of the body
wall, failure of the yolk sac and of structures
to be included in the stalk, infarction and
necrosis at the base of the umbilicus caused
by interruption of blood flow through the
vitelline artery, regression of the right
umbilical vein due to localized weakness in
the paraumbilical tissue, rupture of the
amniotic membrane at the base of the
umbilical cord, early estrogenic
thrombophilia, and interference of
thrombotic by-products with
developmental signaling
. Gastroschisis
commonly presents as a single defect, in
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
which usually the intestine remains intact,
individualizing the length of the intestine
and remembering that all of them present
intestinal malrotation. In addition, it can
present: ischemia, atresia, necrosis and
perforation. If any of these complications
occur, it is known as "complex
The medical-surgical approach is well
described, it needs to be multidisciplinary
and the current criterion is to correct the
defect once the newborn (NB) has achieved
thermal, respiratory and hemodynamic
stability, which can be primary or staged.
Classically, the usual method was to cover
the intestine with gauze moistened with
physiological solution, vaseline or lactated
Ringer's solution
. It is currently described
that covering the gauze with a plastic cover
(Vita-film) is sufficient to protect the gauze
and prevent exposure and injury to the
The surgical techniques previously
described in the literature for abdominal
wall repair were three: primary closure,
delayed closure after silo placement and
. Currently, the correction of the
defect is based on closure without sutures,
which can be primary or deferred in stages,
where a preformed silo is placed (flexible
wound retractor), and when all the loops are
inside the cavity, they are covered with a
colloid patch (hydrocolloid inclusive
dressing). This technique allows the
reduction of associated mortality, the need
for ventilatory assistance and prolonged
fasting, resulting in cost improvement for
the medical institution, which is why it is
important to reduce the demographic
factors related to the risk of gastroschisis
There is little bibliographic evidence
compared to other pathologies, being
gastroschisis one of the most common
congenital defects. This pathology is
associated with a high morbimortality rate
in newborns and it is necessary to highlight
that its frequency is increasing according to
different bibliographies throughout the
years. Different risk factors may be hidden
by unavoidable biases in the research
already carried out, finding vulnerabilities
that this research seeks to overcome in
order to minimize the increase of cases.
The aim of the present study was to obtain
information on the medical-surgical
approach to this congenital anomaly,
identify aspects of probable risk in the
demographic areas where the pregnant
women reside, pathological and non-
pathological personal history, drug
addictions of the mothers of newborns with
gastroschisis attended from January 2018 to
January 2022.
It is a retrospective cohort study that
provides high feasibility because it does not
require high costs or many resources.
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
The study design was epidemiological,
descriptive cohort, retrospective, cross-
sectional and observational, carried out at
the Antiguo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara
Fray Antonio Alcalde. The population of
interest were patients attended at that
institution with a diagnosis of gastroschisis.
The inclusion criteria were patients with a
diagnosis of gastroschisis, having been
attended at the Antiguo Hospital Civil de
Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde from
January 2018 to January 2022, and meeting
more than four qualitative variables. Clinical
records of patients with a diagnosis of
omphalocele, incomplete records with less
than four qualitative variables, being the
product of a pregnant woman with
gastroschisis before 2018 and after January
2022, and having been treated in another
hospital outside the Antiguo Hospital Civil
de Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde were
Data collection was performed during the
months of July and August 2023. Due to
patient confidentiality, no data that could
identify the patient was recorded.
The sample size was obtained by analyzing
the clinical records of the Antiguo Hospital
Civil de Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde, in
which 104 cases were derived (n=104), from
which those that met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria were selected. The type of
sampling was by consecutive inclusion, in
which the final sample was composed of 48
cases (n=48).
Once the total sample size was defined
(n=48), a database was created using Excel
office, in which quantitative variables were
included, such as gestational age, sex of the
newborn, live or stillborn, delivered alive or
dead, age of the parents, time of diagnosis of
the pregnancy (weeks of gestation), time of
diagnosis of the gastroschisis type
abdominal defect (weeks of gestation),
number of normal ultrasounds reported,
duration with assisted ventilation, duration
with orogastric tube, weight at birth and at
discharge (kg), height at birth (cm), size of
the abdominal defect (cm) and number of
On the other hand, the qualitative variables
considered were: place of origin of both
parents, factories, polluting industries or
exposure to insecticides, education and
employment of both parents, drug
addictions of both parents, socioeconomic
level, place of birth, admission diagnosis,
birth mode (vaginal or abdominal), prenatal
complications, genitourinary infections
during pregnancy, direct cause of death,
content of the abdominal defect, medical
approach after birth (advanced neonatal
resuscitation maneuvers, days of intubation,
parenteral nutrition and presence of sepsis),
type of surgical management for closure of
the abdominal defect (primary or staged
sutureless closure), medications required
(use of antibiotics as prophylactic
management, NSAIDs and opioids), type of
feeding (parenteral nutrition, exclusive or
mixed breastfeeding), requirement of
orogastric tube, complications during the
newborn's hospital stay (hemodynamic,
gastrometabolic, ventilatory, neurologic or
infectious), complications and subsequent
recurrent pathologies.
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
Finally, for the descriptive analysis of the
quantitative and qualitative variables, a
database was created in Excel and SPSS
22, from which measures of central
tendency were obtained to represent a
centralized set of quantitative data. The
main measures reported were mean,
median and mode. On the other hand, for
qualitative variables, measures of
association were used, such as odds ratio,
prevalence, incidence and incidence rate;
the Google maps locator was used to
determine whether the pregnant women
live in demographic areas with risk
factors; in addition, the Odds Ratio
formula was used to calculate fathers and
mothers exposed and not exposed to
drug addiction before and during
pregnancy. The results are presented in
bar and pie charts depending on the type
of variable (quantitative or qualitative), as
well as tables to summarize the data.
Figure 1. Environmental risk factors as a
percentage within the demographic zone
of parents of children with congenital
In Figure 2, the place of origin of the
parents of the patients admitted with
congenital gastroschisis is shown. Of the
total sample (n=48), the origin of only 12
pregnant women is unknown, however
36 came from different areas of Jalisco
(n=12+36=48) such as Tlajomulco (n=6),
Guadalajara (n=4), Tepatitlán de Morelos
(n=3), La barca (n=1), El Salto (n=2),
Zapotlanejo (n=2), Tizapan (n=2), San
Miguel el Alto (n=1), Tenamaxtlan (n=1),
Puerto Vallarta (n=1), Jalostotitlán (n=1),
Ayutla (n=1), Cihuatlán (n=1), Unión de
Tula (n=1), Tolimán (n=1), Tlaquepaque
(n=1), Arandas (n=1), Chapala (n=1),
Zapotlán del Rey (n=1), Michoacán (n=3)
and finally Tlacuitapa (n=1).
Within these places of origin, risks were
identified by demographic zone
according to their exposure and locality.
50% of exposure to insecticides
corresponds to Tlajomulco, Tizapan,
Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalostotitlán, and
El Cantón. The 33% of telephone
antennas corresponds to El Carmen,
Zapopan, El Campesino, Tlajomulco,
Tolimán, Tepatitlán de Morelos, Tizapan,
Cihuatlán, El Salto, Ayutla, Zapotlanejo, El
Cantón, and San Miguel el Alto. Finally,
17% of polluting industries correspond to
Tonalá, Guadalajara, Tlajomulco, El
Cantón, Tenamaxtlan, Michoacán,
Zapotlanejo, and La Barca.
Another noteworthy variable was the age
of the patients, since, as described in the
literature, it was verified by performing
the same Odds ratio method, which
yielded a result of 2, whereby those
women who have an adolescent
pregnancy are approximately twice as
likely to have their children develop
Transmitting antennas
Industrias contaminantes
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
gastroschisis compared to those who
decide to gestate above 20 years of age.
Figure 3 shows that the sample size
(n=48) ranges from 13 to 42 years of age,
with most of the values at the low end,
the mean is 18 years of age, pregnant
women 13 years of age (n=3), 14 years of
age (n=5), 15 years of age (n=3), 16 years of
age (n=3) and 16 years of age (n=3), 16
years of age (n=3), 17 years of age (n=7), 18
years of age (n=9), 19 years of age (n=3),
20 years of age (n=2), 21 years of age (n=5),
22 years of age (n=3), 24 years of age (n=1),
26 years of age (n=1), 27 years of age (n=1),
32 years of age (n=1), 42 years of age (n=1).
Figure 2. Place of origin of parents of
patients admitted with congenital
Figure 3. Age of pregnant women.
The diagnosis in the gestational weeks
goes from the fourth week of gestation to
the 32nd week of gestation, of these the
highest diagnostic moment of pregnancy
was at 8 weeks of gestation in 32.3%. The
gestational week in which the diagnosis
of the abdominal defect was found and
reported goes from the 16th week of
gestation to the 32nd week, where "not
reported" has a higher value than the
majority for the diagnostic moment,
followed by being found at 28 weeks of
gestation. Number of gestations of the
mothers with patients admitted for
congenital gastroschisis 53.8% reported
having been primigravida, 33.3% had
their second gestation, 7.7% went
through their fourth gestation and 5.1%
went through their third gestation. The
number of normal ultrasounds reported
prior to delivery of the pregnant women
ranged from 1 to 12 ultrasounds, with a
mean of 4.
0 2 4 6 8
Tepatitlán De Morelos
La Barca
El Salto
San Miguel El Alto
Puerto Vallarta
Zapotlán Del Rey
Unión de Tula
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 32 42
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
The presentation of prenatal
complications was highest for adolescent
pregnancy, being positive in 25 cases, and
in second place was exposure to
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with
23 cases (none of the cases is exclusive to
each pregnant woman, since on different
occasions there were more than one
complication accompanying the
mothers). The diagnosis of this
malformation was made in 47% in the
second trimester, 28% in the first
trimester and 23% in the third trimester.
Among the pathological and non-
pathological personal histories of the
parents of the patients studied, the
following were recorded: abortion (n=1),
congenital heart disease (n=1),
cervicovaginitis (n=1), glycemic uncontrol
(n=1), diabetes mellitus (n=1), endocarditis
(n=1), hyperthyroidism (n=1), leiomyomas
(n=1), abdominal tumor (n=1), human
papillomavirus (n=1), and the rest of the
population denied any other type of
In surgical management, two surgical
techniques were performed, which were
deferred closure with 59.2% (n=25) and
primary closure in 40% (n=17). In the
medical management, 100% required
orogastric tube with an average time of 14
days, the patients who required the
administration of antifungal agents (n=5),
opioids (n=39), NSAIDs (n=29) and
antibiotics (n=42). Mechanical ventilation
was required in (n=16) patients, with an
average of 4 days. And an average hospital
stay of 37 days.
Finally, the odds ratio formula of this
study was carried out to look for a
relationship between the blood serotype
of the progenitors of the product. This
formula gave us a value of 1.29, which
indicates a positive association between
the ORH+ blood group and the risk of
developing a pregnancy with problems in
the embryological period, thus ending up
with a defect of the abdominal wall of the
gastroschisis type.
Research was conducted in different
databases to reinforce that exposure to
non-ionized radiation, which is the
source emitted by antennas and
pesticides, can have significant impacts
during embryogenesis, which can end up
triggering functional congenital
malformations, such as gastroschisis, as
well as other types of damage to the
health of both pregnant women and the
general population.
Telephone antennas use non-ionized
radiation, which is electromagnetic
energy ranging from 30 to 300 kHZ. This
type of radiation is characterized because
it uses a low energetic charge, which has
been documented that it is not enough to
generate cellular alterations, however,
there are different sources that show
contrary results in which harmful effects
for health are exposed; these can alter
hormonal production, DNA, immune
system, among others
The increase in demand for mobile
devices has led the industry responsible
for these services to generate more
antennas to improve coverage17 .
Cases have been reported of genetic
damage in people living in areas close to
mobile stations compared to healthy
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
According to the University Environment
and Health Network, as the development
of wireless communication systems, cell
phones and the number of antennas
installed between dwellings has
increased, it has been reported in
epidemiological research journals and in
experimental laboratory models that
radio frequency radiation (RFR) at non-
thermal levels affects health. These non-
thermal exposure levels have resulted in
biological effects in humans, animals and
Exposure to RRF generates oxidative
stress in biological systems, caused by an
increase in free radicals and changes in
defense systems. Evidence of free radical
damage has been repeatedly documented
in humans, plants, animals and
microorganisms for both extremely low
frequency electromagnetic fields and
radiofrequency radiation (non-ionized).
Regarding pesticides and their relation to
congenital malformations, pesticides can
be defined as chemical substances used
in the agricultural area or at home for the
elimination or control of pests;
continuous exposure to these
biochemicals in pregnant women during
the first month can cause congenital
According to a study on the prevalence
and risk of congenital malformation in
women exposed to pesticides, paternal
exposures may directly produce germ
cell mutation, which would be expressed
in subsequent generational
malformations due to the presence of
toxins in seminal fluids and
contamination of work clothes that may
cause secondary exposure to the
Most disorders are caused by changes in
genetic information or originate from a
variety of factors23. Exposure of
pregnant women to pesticides in rural
areas is associated with the occurrence
of cases in the mother and the baby. In
the pregnant woman, research indicates
a relationship between intrauterine
exposure to pesticides and the onset of
congenital malformations
Currently, all this information is of great
impact to consider antennas and
pesticides as possible risk factors,
however, it would be ideal to search for
prospective studies in which the amount,
duration and frequency of exposure are
taken into account, this would also be
convenient to relate it to biomarker
measurements to more accurately
estimate exposure and risk
However, despite the above results, it is
necessary to consider other factors and
perform more detailed analyses to reach
stronger conclusions about the
association between these possible risk
factors and the outcome under study, as
there may be confounding factors or
biases affecting the outcome that have
not been taken into account in this
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, this study highlights that
the obtained information from the
reviewed cases of patients diagnosed
with gastroschisis is a challenge for
public health, public awareness and
education, because positive associations
were found between risk factors, such as
the age of the pregnant person, medical
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (1): e20. January-March. 2024.
history of the parents, drug addiction,
drugs, poor diet, socioeconomic status,
prenatal control and evolution of
pregnancy, all related to a higher risk of
developing problems in the
embryological period with the probability
of an abdominal wall defect of the
gastroschisis type. It is recommended to
strengthen timely family planning
campaigns with the objective of
preventing the consumption of toxic
substances before pregnancy to prevent
this type of embryological defects.
Management approaches and available
treatment options, such as the
development of surgical techniques, type
of nutrition, respiratory and
hemodynamic care are essential to
improve outcomes and support for
newborns affected by this congenital
defect, as well as to reduce complications
and mortality rates. Due to the size of the
sample, statistically significant results
cannot be inferred; however, according
to the results obtained, the need for
continued research with
multidisciplinary approaches to address
this congenital malformation and its
associated challenges is highlighted, as
well as the need to create awareness in
pregnant women to receive adequate
prenatal care to achieve a pregnancy with
normal evolution to culminate with a
healthy newborn and avoid possible
problems of congenital defects such as
5.1 Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of
5.2 Funding
No funding was required to carry out the
5.3 Acknowledgments
We thank all the staff of the Pediatric
Surgery Service of the Hospital Civil de
Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde for
welcoming us with open arms, providing
full support and facilities.
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