Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
Original Article
Cognitive Protective Factors Against Alcohol
Consumption in University Students.
Julia Elena Del Angel-García
, María Magdalena Alonso-Castillo
, Karla Selene
& Francisco Cadena-Santos
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Facultad de Enfermería. Monterrey, Nuevo León,
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. Facultad de Enfermería, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.
*Corresponding author: María Magdalena Alonso-Castillo, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo
León. Facultad de Enfermería. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. E-mail:
magdalena_al[email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-7197-8116
Sent: 03/20/2024 Accepted: 06/03/2024 Published: 09/11/2024
Resumen: Introduction: Alcohol consumption among university students is complex and
multifactorial, with each factor potentially acting as either a risk or protective factor, influencing
decision-making regarding their behavior. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship
and effect of resistance self-efficacy and self-control on alcohol consumption among university
students. Methods: This was a descriptive, correlational, and predictive study that included 228
university students. Participants were selected through stratified random probability sampling with
proportional allocation to stratum size. They were administered a Personal Data Form, the Situational
Confidence Questionnaire, the Abbreviated Self-Control Scale, and the Alcohol Use Disorders
Identification Test. The study adhered to the regulations of the General Health Law. Results: Of the
participants, 57.0% were women and 43.0% were men. A total of 82.0% of the students consumed
alcohol in the past year, 46.1% in the past month, and 24.1% in the past week. Sensible consumption
was observed in 42.8%, dependent consumption in 28.3%, and harmful consumption in 28.9% of the
students. Resistance self-efficacy (r
= -0.510, p<0.01) and self-control (r
= -0.187, p<0.05) were found
to have a negative and significant relationship with alcohol consumption. Additionally, resistance self-
efficacy (β= -0.381, p=0.001) showed a negative and significant effect on alcohol consumption.
Conclusions: The results of this study can significantly contribute to the understanding of the
phenomenon of alcohol consumption, providing knowledge that may serve as the basis for future
research or interventions aimed at preventing alcohol consumption among university students.
Key words: Alcohol Consumption, University Students, Resistance Self-Efficacy, Self-Control,
Protective Factors..
1. Introduction
Alcohol consumption is considered a high
risk behavior due to its health and social
environment implications
. Studies carried
out with young university students in
Mexico report that between 37.4% and
64.9% of them have consumed alcohol in
the last year
2, 3
Furthermore, an alarming practice among
young college students is the excessive
consumption of alcohol (binge drinking).
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
According to the National Institute of
Public Health, 51.8% of young people
between 20 and 29 years of age engage in
this type of consumption, which is
characterized by the ingestion of five or
more drinks per occasion within a period
of two hours in the last month for men;
and in the case of women, four or more
drinks in the same period
Due to the previously mentioned statistics
and the inherent changes of the onset of
adulthood, the population of young
university students is considered a high-
risk population
, since they undergo
psychological experiences related to
identity, the instability of the immediate
future, interpersonal relationships and
multiple characteristics of their
environment, which can lead to the onset
of risky behaviors, such as alcohol
Alcohol consumption in young college
students is a complex and multifactorial
issue; thus, each factor can behave as a risk
factor or as a protective factor. According
to the literature and the Social Cognitive
there may be cognitive factors
that can affect decision making about
one's own behavior. One of the factors that
has been associated with alcohol
consumption is alcohol resistance self-
efficacy; studies have shown that alcohol
resistance self-efficacy has a negative and
significant relationship with alcohol
. Thus, it is established that a
higher self-belief of being able to refuse or
resist alcohol consumption is associated
with lower levels of alcohol consumption
and its consequences in university
Similarly, studies indicate that resistance
self-efficacy has a negative and significant
effect on alcohol consumption, and is
therefore considered a protective factor
for alcohol consumption
. Another
relevant cognitive factor in the drinking
behavior of young university students is
self-control, which can behave as a risk or
protective factor
. Studies carried out in
young university students report that self-
control has a negative and significant
relationship with alcohol consumption
14, 15
It is worth mentioning that no evidence
was identified on resistance self-efficacy
and self-control in the social and
geographic context of the present study.
Therefore, it is considered relevant to
deepen both variables, in order to
contribute knowledge to understand the
phenomenon and in the future could be
the basis for new and broader studies, as
well as to generate strategies to prevent
alcohol consumption. Based on the above,
our aim was to determine the relationship
and effect of resistance self-efficacy and
self-control on alcohol consumption in
young university students.
2. Method
2.1 Study design and participants
A descriptive, correlational and predictive
study was conducted. The population
consisted of 3,077 young university
students over 18 years of age of both sexes
from nursing and industrial engineering
courses at a university in the southern
region of Tamaulipas. Sample size was
determined using the nQuery Advisor 4.0
software under the criteria of a
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
significance level of 0.05, a confidence
level of 95%, with a power of 0.90 (90%)
and a coefficient of determination of 0.09
(median effect size) according to Cohen
A total of 228 young university students
were selected by stratified random
probability sampling with allocation
proportional to the size of the stratum.
The combinations were career (2: nursing
and industrial engineering) and grade (4:
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of studies), which
formed 8 strata. Within each stratum, one-
stage cluster sampling was used, where
the group of students formed each cluster.
2.2 Measuring instruments
To assess the sociodemographic
characteristics, a Personal Data
Questionnaire was used, which included
data such as age, sex, career, current
semester, as well as the prevalence of
alcohol consumption (ever in life, in the
last year, in the last month and in the last
week). To measure self-efficacy to resist
alcohol consumption, the Situational
Confidence Questionnaire
was used,
translated and adapted to Spanish by
Echeverría and Ayala
. This questionnaire
is made up of 39 items with a response
scale ranging from 1 to 6, where 1 denotes
“I could not resist the temptation to
consume alcohol for sure” and 6 denotes “I
could resist the temptation to consume
alcohol for sure”.)
The questionnaire includes the
intrapersonal and interpersonal subscales;
the intrapersonal subscale comprises
items 1 to 3, 7 to 13, 17 to 23, 27 to 33 and 36
to 39, which constitute the categories:
negative physical emotional states,
positive emotional state, impulses and
temptations, and personal control test.
The interpersonal subscale is made up of
items 4 to 6, 14 to 16, 24 to 26 and 34 to 35;
the minimum scale score is 39 and the
maximum is 234. This questionnaire has
shown Cronbach's Alpha consistency
between 0.94 and 0.97 and an explained
variance of 68.1% in various studies
conducted in Mexican high school
. In this study, an internal
consistency of 0.95 was obtained.
In order to evaluate self-control, the
Abbreviated Self-Control Scale
was used,
which was designed with the aim of
assessing self-control in university
students in the United States. This
instrument was adapted to Spanish in a
population of university students from
Argentina with an explained variance of
44% and internal consistency of the total
scale (α = .75)
. The scale consists of 13
items that are divided into two subscales:
self-discipline (items 6, 11, 5, 1, 7, 8, 2) and
impulse control (items 12, 13, 3, 9, 10, 4),
with five Likert-type response options
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5
(strongly agree) having a minimum score
of 13 and a maximum of 65. In the present
study, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient
was 0.73.
Alcohol consumption was measured by
means of prevalence (once in a lifetime, in
the last year, in the last month and in the
last week), as well as the Alcohol Use
Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) with
the aim of measuring drinking behavior
and problems related to alcohol
consumption in adults with problematic
alcohol consumption
. This questionnaire
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
was adapted to the Mexican population by
De la Fuente and Kershenobich (1992)
The instrument examines alcohol
consumption during the last twelve
months and its consequences, it identifies
sensible, dependent and harmful alcohol
consumption, and consists of 10 items with
Likert-type response options ranging from
0 to 4.
The AUDIT Questionnaire has a minimum
value of 0 and a maximum of 40 points. The
classification of the type of consumption is
obtained by adding the items and the cut-
off points are from 1 to 3 points is
considered sensible or low-risk
consumption, from 4 to 7 points refers to
dependent or risky consumption and from
8 to 40 may represent harmful
consumption. The interpretation was
made by calculating the index from 0 to
100, which allows us to understand how
the higher the score, the higher the
consumption and problems derived from
alcohol consumption. This questionnaire
has been used in studies conducted in
young university students in Mexico, in
which it has reported a Cronbach's Alpha
between 0.80 and 0.89
. The internal
consistency in this study was 0.77.
2.3 Procedure
This study was approved by the Research
Ethics Committee and the Research
Committee with registration number
FAEN-D-1919 of the Universidad
Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico.
Subsequently, authorization was obtained
from the directors of the faculties of
Nursing and Engineering belonging to a
university in the southern zone of the state
of Tamaulipas, academic departments
where the study was carried out on young
university students.
After obtaining the authorizations, the lists
of students enrolled in the August-
December 2023 school period were
requested, as well as information on the
total number of students and the
distribution of groups by career. The
above data allowed us to randomly select
the participating groups using the Excel
Once the groups were selected, the
authorities of the two academic
departments arranged a day and time to
visit the young university students, at
which time an invitation was made to
participate voluntarily in the study. Data
collection was carried out in a single
session, which began with the reading and
signing of the informed consent form, and
then continued with the application of the
measuring instruments. At the end of the
collection, the participants were thanked.
It is worth mentioning that the
instruments were kept during the study
for later destruction.
2.4 Data analysis
The Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS), version 22 for Windows,
was used to analyze the data. In order to
determine the internal consistency of the
measurement instruments, Cronbach's
Alpha Reliability Coefficient was used.
Descriptive statistics were also applied
and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness of
Fit Test with Lillieffors correction was
used. Non-parametric statistics were used
for the objectives set by applying
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
Spearman's Correlation Coefficient. A
Multiple Linear Regression Model was also
2.5 Ethical considerations
Our study complied with the provisions of
the Regulations of the General Health Law
on Health Research
in its latest update
published in the Official Journal of the
Federation (DOF) 02-04-2014, which
states that all health research must
consider ethical aspects that guarantee
the dignity and well-being of all individuals
who agree to participate. In order to
comply with this, the participants were
treated with respect, dignity,
confidentiality and anonymity during their
participation in the study. Likewise, each
participant was asked to sign an informed
consent form.
3. Results
3.1 Sample sociodemographic
Of the participants, 55.7% indicated that
they were enrolled in the nursing program
while 44.3% were in industrial
engineering. The mean age of the
university students was 20.05 (SD=1.76)
years, 57.0% were female and 43.0% were
male. The average number of years of
schooling was 13.85 (SD=1.48) years. Of the
young university students, 94.3%
indicated that they were single. Regarding
occupation, 68.0% reported only studying
and 32.0% both studying and working.
3.2 Alcohol consumption in university
Regarding alcohol consumption, 91.7%
(95% CI [88, 95]) of the young university
students reported having consumed
alcohol at some time in their lives, 82.0%
(95% CI [77, 87]) did so in the last year,
46.1% (95% CI [40, 53]) in the last month,
and 24.1% (95% CI [19, 30]) in the last week.
Regarding binge drinking, 37.8% (95% CI
[28, 48]) of men reported binge drinking,
whereas in women it was 21.5% (95% CI
[14, 29]). Likewise, it was identified that the
average number of occasions of such
consumption in the last month in men was
1.92 (SD=1.27), while in women it was 2.18
(SD=1.58) occasions in the last month.
Relative to the type of alcohol
consumption of university students, 42.8%
(95% CI [35, 49]) had sensible alcohol
consumption, 28.3% (95% CI [21, 34]) were
dependent, and 28.9% (95% CI [22, 35])
had harmful or damaging alcohol
consumption. With respect to some
characteristics of alcohol consumption
behavior, 32.5% consumed alcohol with
friends, 14.5% with family and 26.8% with
both; likewise, it was noted that the place
of consumption was mostly in social
spaces such as friends' houses, nightclubs
or restaurants.
3.3. Study variable correlations
Table 1 shows the Correlation Coefficient
of resistance self-efficacy, self-control
and alcohol consumption, these findings
show that there is a negative and
significant relationship between
resistance self-efficacy and alcohol
consumption (rs= -0.510, p<0.01), as well as
between self-control and alcohol
consumption (rs= -0.187, p<0.05), which
could be interpreted as the lower the
resistance self-efficacy and self-control,
the higher the alcohol consumption and
vice versa.
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
Table 1. Spearman's correlation coefficient of the study variables.
1. Age
2. Schooling
3. Resistance self-efficacy
4. Self-control
5. Alcohol consumption
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, n= 228
3.4 Multiple Linear Regression Model
Table 2 shows the Multiple Linear
Regression Model of the study variables.
The final initial model showed to be
significant (F (137) = 16.035, p<0.001), with
an explained variance of 26.1%; which
showed that resistance self-efficacy (β= -
0.381, p=0.001) has a negative and
significant effect on alcohol consumption,
while age, schooling and self-control
reported no significant effect on alcohol
consumption (p>0.05).
After the application of the Backward
method, the final model showed to be
significant (F (137) = 31.758, p<0.001), with
an explained variance of 25.7%. In the
second model, the negative and significant
effect of resistance self-efficacy (β= -
0.378, p=0.001) on alcohol consumption
was maintained. Likewise, age, schooling
and self-control retained the absence of
significant effect on alcohol consumption
Table 2. Multiple Linear Regression Model of resistance self-efficacy, self-control and alcohol
: Coefficient of determination, SS: Sum of squares, df: degrees of freedom, MS: Mean squares, F: F
statistic value, β: Beta, p: observed significance, E: Standard error, t: t-test statistic, n = 228.
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
Table 2. Multiple Linear Regression Model of Resistance Self-Efficacy, Self-Control, and Alcohol
Consumption (Backward) (continued)
Model 2
Resistance self-
: Coefficient of determination, SS: Sum of squares, df: degrees of freedom, MS: Mean squares, F: F
statistic value, β: Beta, p: observed significance, E: Standard error, t: t-test statistic, n = 228.
4. Discussion
This study aimed to determine the
relationship and effect of cognitive
factors, such as resistance self-efficacy
and self-control, on alcohol consumption
in university students. Among the findings,
it is noteworthy that a large portion of the
participants were women, which could be
due to the inclusion of nursing as one of
the university programs in the study, a
field characterized by a higher proportion
of female students compared to male
students. The average age of the university
students was 19 years, data consistent with
other studies conducted on university
students in Mexico
Additionally, it was shown that the
prevalence of alcohol consumption in the
past year was higher than that reported in
other studies conducted on university
. Furthermore, it was
identified that binge drinking is a behavior
with high rates in both men and women,
although this differs from other studies
where this type of consumption shows
both higher and lower proportions.32-34
Regarding the type of alcohol
consumption, higher proportions of
dependent and harmful consumption were
identified in university students from
southern Tamaulipas, whereas, in sensible
consumption, a lower proportion was
observed compared to other studies
conducted on Mexican university students
from other states
The above allows us to observe that
alcohol consumption behavior is more
prevalent among university students in
southern Tamaulipas, a region where
environmental characteristics and social
customs normalize the initiation and
maintenance of this behavior among
young people. Furthermore, there is a
noticeable increase in this behavior among
women, which could be related to
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
sociocultural aspects, where there is an
effort to equalize the roles and functions
of men and women in various areas of
The findings from the Correlation
Coefficient showed that both resistance
self-efficacy and self-control have a
negative and significant relationship with
alcohol consumption, which is similar to
data from other studies on resistance self-
and self-control in university
. This could be interpreted as
greater resistance self-efficacy and self-
control correlating with lower alcohol
consumption, suggesting that they may
act as protective factors.
Additionally, the Multiple Linear
Regression Model showed that resistance
self-efficacy has a negative and significant
effect on alcohol consumption among
university students, results that align with
other studies conducted on university
students from countries such as the
United States, Japan, and Thailand
. This
could be explained by the fact that, despite
the studies being conducted in different
social and cultural contexts, the inherent
process of change associated with this
stage of life is similar among university
students, who are characterized by
psychological experiences that include
identity formation, interpersonal
relationships, and environmental
characteristics, which may influence
decision-making about their behaviors
either positively or negatively
Thus, a stronger belief in one’s ability to
resist the temptation of alcohol
consumption will be reflected in lower
alcohol consumption among university
students. Additionally, no significant effect
of self-control on alcohol consumption
was found, although a negative and
significant relationship between self-
control and alcohol consumption was
observed. In this regard, a study
conducted on Australian youth reported
that self-control has a negative and
significant effect on alcohol
. This discrepancy could be
explained by the characteristics of the
participants in both studies, who are
pursuing degrees with different scientific
focuses. In this study, more than half of the
students were enrolled in the nursing
program, which may provide them with
greater knowledge and awareness about
alcohol consumption and its effects,
potentially reflected in greater self-
control in alcohol consumption
, in addition to possible cultural
differences related to alcohol
Based on the above, it is emphasized that
factors such as resistance self-efficacy and
self-control play a significant role in
decision-making regarding alcohol
consumption. These findings are
consistent with what is proposed in Social
Cognitive Theory, which highlights the
possible influence of cognitive factors on
specific behaviors. The variables in this
study could be considered for further
exploration of this phenomenon using
mixed methodologies. Additionally, this
information could serve as a basis for
developing or strengthening specific
prevention strategies for this study
population, which, according to the
literature, is at high risk for alcohol
consumption and its health and societal
Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal (HIJ). ISSN: 2992-7706
Volume 2 (3): e32. July-September. 2024.
5. Conclussion
Resistance self-efficacy and self-control
showed a negative and significant
relationship with alcohol consumption.
Likewise, it was demonstrated that
resistance self-efficacy regarding alcohol
consumption has a negative and
significant effect on alcohol consumption.
Thus, the results of this study can
significantly contribute to understanding
the phenomenon of alcohol consumption,
providing knowledge that could serve as a
foundation for future research or
interventions aimed at preventing alcohol
consumption in university students.
One of the limitations of the study was that
it was conducted in a single social context
of university students (educational
institution). Therefore, it is recommended
that future studies be conducted in
diverse contexts that include other types
of careers or schools (public/private),
which would allow for a deeper
understanding of this phenomenon among
university students. Although the results
were significant, it is important to
consider other young people with
different characteristics. It is thus
suggested to study these variables and
other potential factors that could generate
more evidence on alcohol consumption in
university students.
6. Statements
6.1. Authorship recognition
Conceptualization: JEDAG; Methodology:
MMAC; Validation: KSLG; Formal analysis:
Resources: JEDAG; Data Curation: JEDAG.,
MMAC; Writing-Original draft: JEDAG.,
MMAC; Visualization: KSLG., FCS;
Supervision: JEDAG., MMAC., KSLG., FCS;
Project management: JEDAG., MMAC.
6.2 Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
6.3 Acknowledgments
We thank the educational institutions that
provided support for the development of
this study.
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Copyright © Julia Elena Del Angel García, María Magdalena Alonso Castillo, Karla Selene
López García and Francisco Cadena Santos 2024
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