Explanatory Model of Alcohol Consumption in Health Personnel





Transtheoretical Model, alcohol consumption, healthcare personnel


This article presents a proposal for the conceptual-theoretical-empirical substructuring strategy, resulting in the construction of an explanatory model that shows factors related to alcohol consumption among healthcare personnel, based on the Socio-Ecological Model of McLeroy et al. (1988) and empirical evidence. This model is useful in the nursing profession to gain insight into the healthcare personnel population and, in the future, continue research by implementing alcohol consumption prevention actions.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Puente, E. O., López García, K. S., Villarreal Mata, J. L., Guzmán Facundo, F. R., & Castillo Méndez, A. P. (2024). Explanatory Model of Alcohol Consumption in Health Personnel. Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(3), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.56935/hij.v2i3.27



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