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Unless otherwise stated, the total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of the publication is prohibited without the prior authorization of the Fundación Enfermera Delia Ruiz Rivas A.C.
HORIZON INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, year 2, no. 3, July-September 2024, is a quarterly publication "January-March", "April-June", "July-September", October-December "published by the Fundación Enfermera Delia Ruíz Rivas. General Ferreira 2264, Colonia Cacho, Tijuana, B.C. Tel. 664 825 9407, web page of the journal: webpage journal, and Fundación Enfermera Delia Ruíz Rivas. Editor in Chief: Dr. Efraín Armenta Rojas, whose e-mail address is: [email protected]. Reservation of Rights to the Exclusive Use of Title No. 04-2023-012317363900-102, ISSN: 2992-7706, both granted by the Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsible for the latest update of this issue, Dr. Efraín Armenta Rojas, whose e-mail address is: [email protected], Fundación Enfermera Delia Ruíz Rivas. General Ferreira 2264, Colonia Cacho, Tijuana, B.C. Date of last modification, May 21, 2024.