Medical-surgical and sociodemographic aspects in patients with gastroschisis in a Third Level Hospital in Mexico during the period 2018-2022.


  • Guillermo Yanowsky Reyes
  • Elvia Ximena Rodriguez Fausto
  • Zacnicté Viridiana Corona-Guzmán Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Denisse Estefanía Alfaro-Castellanos
  • Franklin Daniel Norori-Escobar
  • Arely Jaqueline Pérez Padilla
  • Nidia Raquel Álvares-Rosales
  • Laura Olivia Montaño-Ángeles
  • Carlos Oswaldo Yanowsky-González



Gastroschisis, medical-surgical approach, risk factors, gestation, complications, demographics, teenage mother


Abstract: Introduction: Gastroschisis is a birth defect in which a hole in the abdominal wall (Belly) lateral to the umbilicus allows the infant's intestines to be exposed, in addition to other organs such as the stomach and liver. Objective: To obtain information on the medical-surgical approach to this congenital anomaly, identify aspects of probable risk in the demographic areas where the pregnant women reside, pathological and non-pathological personal history of the patients' mothers, newborns diagnosed with gastroschisis attended from January 2018 to January 2022 and drug addictions used in the perinatal period of the pregnant women. Method: descriptive, retrospective, retrospective, cross-sectional, observational, epidemiological cohort study. An analysis of the clinical records of the Antiguo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde of patients with a diagnosis of gastroschisis attended in January 2018 to January 2022 was performed. The data were collected in Microsoft Excel and SPSS 22 software. They were subsequently interpreted and analyzed by means of measures of central tendency and association. Results: A sample size of 48 patients was analyzed revealing that the prevalence of gastroschisis in the Antiguo Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde from 2018 to 2022 was 0.0089%. In addition, 83% success rate was observed in the treatment of patients with gastroschisis in pediatric surgery, with higher prevalence in male neonates (M=55.3%, F=22%), among others. A positive association was found with gastroschisis and exposure to environmental pollutants (OR=1.67), teenage mothers (OR=2) and ORH+ blood group (OR=1.29). The risks by demographic area according to their exposure and locality, 50% exposure to insecticides and 17% to polluting industries. The diagnosis of this malformation was made in 47% in the second trimester, 28% in the first trimester and 23% in the third trimester. Within the personal pathological and non-pathological history of the parents, no pathology of importance was identified. Surgical management was 59.2% with deferred closure and 40% with primary closure, medical management was for 100% of the patients and 16 of them required mechanical ventilation. Conclusion: According to the results obtained, the main positive relationship for presenting gastroschisis was the presence of a teenage mother and exposure to environmental pollutants in the studied sample.

Keywords: Gastroschisis, medical-surgical approach, risk factors, pregnancy, complications, demographics, teenage mother.


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How to Cite

Yanowsky Reyes, G., Rodriguez Fausto, E. X., Corona-Guzmán, Z. V., Alfaro-Castellanos , D. E., Norori-Escobar , F. D., Pérez Padilla, A. J., Álvares-Rosales, N. R., Montaño-Ángeles, L. O., & Yanowsky-González, C. O. (2024). Medical-surgical and sociodemographic aspects in patients with gastroschisis in a Third Level Hospital in Mexico during the period 2018-2022. Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(1), 15–28.



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