Reconstruction of nursing health well-being in the COVID-19 pandemic: Mid-range theory.


  • Estefana Concepcion Lara-Esquivel
  • María de Jesús López-Ramos
  • Nereyda Cruz-Zúñiga
  • Daniela Lilian González-Sánchez



Well-being, Nursing, Systems Theory, Betty Neuman, COVID-19


Introduction: There are documented biopsychosocial factors that generate instability in the health well-being of nursing personnel, where the work, political and social environments are inherent. Such is the case of the COVID-19 pandemic that caused stress and job dissatisfaction as a consequence of the profession's working conditions. Given the multifactorial nature of this problem, the development of a situation-specific Middle Range Theory is necessary to understand the phenomenon. Objective: To build a situation-specific Middle Range Theory with a clear development, theoretical and methodological foundations for the benefit of the study population, which allows to contribute to the solution of a global problem such as the instability of health welfare in nursing professionals. Development: A Middle Range Theory was developed, applying the method proposed by Fawcett under the theoretical basis of Neuman's Systems Model and the published scientific evidence regarding stressors associated with the instability of well-being in health considering working conditions, stress and work dissatisfaction during the first wave of COVID-19. Conclusion: The Neuman's Systems Theory allowed to explain and expand the phenomenon of interest; it was observed that this method was useful to build a situation-specific theory with a clear development, theoretical and methodological foundations for the benefit of the study population, which will serve as support for the design and implementation of different preventive strategies to contribute to the management of stress and well-being of the nursing staff.


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How to Cite

Lara-Esquivel, E. C., López-Ramos, M. de J., Cruz-Zúñiga, N., & González-Sánchez, D. L. (2023). Reconstruction of nursing health well-being in the COVID-19 pandemic: Mid-range theory. Horizon Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(1), 64–84.



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